What is pain?

Pain is the unpleasant sensation we perceive in the face of injury or damage to our organism. Nowadays, it is the most common cause of medical consultation in our society.

When this pain persists over a long period of time, it is classified as chronic pain and can lead to changes in our brain that eventually affect the way we feel. 

The most common pain conditions in the population are undoubtedly back, knee, shoulder and hip pain.

But a life without pain is possible: a good therapist has to find out the cause and decide on a treatment that cures or alleviates the pain.

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Mechanisms of pain

Mechanisms of pain

Disease patterns
with pain

Disease patterns
with pain


With the desire to live healthy and ward off the signs of advancing age, sports injuries are much more common in the general population today. A significant proportion of the population, regardless of age, participates in sport. This is a major public health achievement and, on a personal level, means overcoming barriers and challenging new boundaries. The impact on health is impressive: the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, breast and colon cancer, osteoporosis, sarcopenia and psychiatric disorders is significantly reduced.

On the other hand, the increase in physical activity makes sports medicine increasingly important. As we age, a simple tendonitis or fasciitis can last for months or years, limiting and frustrating attempts to return to everyday life.

In our clinic, we treat most sports injuries quickly and effectively by using modern imaging techniques in real time to locate the diseased tissue and applying conventional or regenerative medication.

The most common sports injuries:



· Plantar fasciitis
· Fibril rupture
· Patellar tendonitis
· Chondromalacia of the patella
· Overuse of the piriformis
· Tibial periostitis
· Injury to the fascia lata
· Goosefoot tendinitis
· Bursitis



· Achilles tendonitis
· Patellar tendonitis
· Diseases of the thigh-patellar joint
· Goosefoot tendinitis
· Lumbago
· Cervical pain
· Pudendal neuralgia
· Sesamoiditis
· Saver’s disease
· Compression of the ulnar nerve
· Carpal tunnel syndrome
· Sympathetic pain of the lower limbs
· Injury to the fascia lata


Padel & Tennis

· Tennis Elbow
· Rotator cuff tendinitis
· Acromio-clavicular sprain
·  Achilles tendinitis
· Chondromalacia patellae
· Plantar fasciitis
· Fibril fracture
· Lower back pain



· Golf arm
· Carpal tunnel syndrome
· Rotator cuff tendinitis
· Tendinitis in the wrist and hand
· Lower back pain
· Spondylolisthesis
· Sacroiliitis
· Piramidal overload
· Torn meniscus